
Spirited Beverage Division Champions – 2022

Division 1: Wine Making – Berry & Fruit WineFrank HuffmanPalmer, AK
Division 2: Wine Making – Grape Wine Renee FoleyPalmer, AK
Division 3: Miscellaneous Wines Benjamin HansenWasilla, AK
Division 4: Liqueurs & Cordials Chen ThomasAnchorage, AK
Division 5: Flavored Spirits and Cream LiqueursCathy WalterWasilla, AK
Division 6: Mixed Style Beers (Open)Andra KoehlerEagle River, AK
Division 6: Mixed Style Beers (Professional) Jeremiah MarchwickWasilla, AK
Division 7: Ales (Open) Sean ThorneAnchorage, AK
Division 7: Ales (Professional)ArkosePalmer, AK
Division 8: Meads and Ciders (Open)Sean ThorneAnchorage, AK
Division 8: Meads and Ciders (Professional)Hive Mind MeaderyAnchorage, AK
Division 9: Non-Alcoholic Beverages (Open)Roy PaceEagle River, AK
Division 9: Non-Alcoholic Beverages (Professional)Matanuska BrewingPalmer, AK
Division 12: Spirited Beverage Label CompetitionDawn LestersonAnchorage, AK

Author: Lara Stanley

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